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Belajar Programming Python Code: from Zero to Hero

Rp500,000 Rp250,000

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About this Course

Programmer Python lagi dicari banyak perusahaan. Belajarlah memprogram seperti seorang profesional dan dapatkan pekerjaan impian Anda sebagai Programmer Python. Dalam kursus ini Anda akan belajar menulis Kode Python dan membuat Aplikasi dan Permainan Python!

Kursus ini tidak membutuhkan apa pun! Kursus ini mencakup kuis, tes, dan tugas pekerjaan rumah serta 3 proyek besar untuk membuat portofolio proyek Python!

Kursus ini akan mengajarkan Anda Python secara praktis, dengan setiap kuliah dilengkapi screencast pengkodean lengkap dan buku catatan kode yang sesuai! Belajarlah dengan cara apa pun yang terbaik untuk Anda!

Kami akan mulai dengan membantu Anda menginstal Python di komputer Anda, terlepas dari sistem operasi Anda, apakah itu Linux, MacOS, atau Windows, kami telah membantu Anda!

Kami membahas berbagai topik, termasuk:

  • Command Line Basics
  • Installing Python
  • Running Python Code
  • Strings
  • Lists
  • Dictionaries
  • Tuples
  • Sets
  • Number Data Types
  • Print Formatting
  • Functions
  • Scope
  • args/kwargs
  • Built-in Functions
  • Debugging and Error Handling
  • Modules
  • External Modules
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • File I/O
  • Advanced Methods
  • Unit Tests

What you’ll learn

  • Membelajar untuk memakai Python 2.0 dan 3.0 untuk membangun applikasi.
  • Kode games dengan Python, seperti Tic Tac Toe dan Blackjack!
  • Dalam kursus ini, anda akan mempelajarin Advanced Python, seperti “Collections module” dan “timestamps”
  • Membelajar tentang Object Oriented Programming dengan Classes!
  • Memahami Kode complex seperti “Decorators”
  • Memahami cara pakai Jupyter Notebook dan .py files
  • Memahami tentang cara pakai GUIs dalam Jupyter Notebook
  • Belajar cara pemprograman kode python dari nol sampai mahir.

Who this course is for:

  • Pemula yang belum pernah memprogram sebelumnya.
  • Pemrogram beralih bahasa ke Python.
  • Pemrogram Python tingkat menengah yang ingin meningkatkan keterampilan mereka!

Section 1 – Course Overview

  1. Course Curriculum Overview
  2. Python 2 dan Python 3

Section 2 – Python Setup

  1. Command Line Basic
  2. Installing Python (Step by Step)
  3. Running Python Code
  4. Git dan Github

Section 3 – Python Object and Data Structure Basic

  1. Introduction to Python Data Types
  2. Python Number
  3. Variable Assigment
  4. Introduction to String
  5. Indexing and Slicing with String
  6. String Properties and Methods
  7. Print Formatting with Strings
  8. Lists in Python
  9. Dictionaries in Python
  10. Tuple with Python
  11. Set in Python
  12. Boolean in Python
  13. I/O with Basic Files in Python

Section 4 : Python Comparison Operators

  1. Comparison Operators in Python
  2. Chaining Comparison Operators in Python with Logical Operators

Section 5 : Python Statements

  1. If Elif and Else Statements in Python
  2. For Loops in Python
  3. While Loops in Python
  4. Useful Operators in Python
  5. List Comprehensions in Python

Section 6 :  Methods and Functions

  1. Methods and the Python Documentation
  2. Functions in Python
  3. *args and **kwargs in Python
  4. Lambda Expressions, Map, and Filter Functions
  5. Nested Statements and Scope

Section 7 :  Milestone Project – 1

  1. First Python Milestone Project Overview
  2. Solution Overview for MileStone Project 1 – Part One

Section 8 :  Object Oriented Programming

  1. OOP -Introduction
  2. OOP – Attributes and Class Keyword
  3. OOP – Class Object Attributes and Methods
  4. OOP – Inheritance and Polymorphism
  5. OOP – Special (Magic/Dunder) Methods

Section 9 :  Modules and Packages

  1. Pip Install and PyPi
  2. Modules and Packages
  3. __name__ and “__main__”

Section 10 :  Errors and Exceptions Handling

  1. Errors and Exception Handling
  2. Pylint Overview
  3. Running tests with the Unittest Library

Section 11 :  Milestone Project – 2

  1. Milestone Project 2 Overview
  2. Card and Deck classes
  3. Hand and Chip Classes
  4. Functions for Game Play
  5. Final Gameplay Script

Section 12 :  Python Decorators

  1. Decorators with Python Overview

Section 13 :  Python Generators

  1. Generators with Python

Section 14 :  Final Capstone Python Project

  1. Final Capstone Project

Section 15 :  Advanced Python Modules

  1. Collections Module – counter
  2. Collections Module – defaultdict
  3. Collections Module – OrderedDict
  4. Collections Module – namedtuple
  5. Python Debugger – pdb
  6. Regular Expressions -re

Section 16 :  Advanced Python Objects and Data Structures

  1. Advanced Numbers
  2. Advanced Strings
  3. Advanced Sets
  4. Advanced Dictionaries
  5. Advanced Lists

Section 17 : Bonus Material – Introduction to GUIs

  1. Interact Functionality with GUIs
  2. GUI Widget Basics
  3. List of Possible Widgets

TCSA Academic Team
Developer Division

With both teaching and professional experiences, Our academic team has developed this content to bring you a comprehensive course that you build your competency to match the requirements in the professional environment.

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Beginner, Intermediate




When you enrolled into this course you will automatically get a Certificate of Achievement for completing the course. An example is provided below.


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